At FBC Cole, we believe that one of the most effective ways of reaching others and growing in Christ is through fellowship with other believers. FBCC does this through a variety of ministry programs to make sure that everyone has a group they can relate to. Scroll below for a brief summary or click the Learn More icon by each ministry for a more in depth description of each one.
Worship Session
A worship sessions at Cole includes a combination of modern worship and traditional music, multi-media, prayer, a message from our pastor and an invitation time, plus much more.
Student Ministry
Student Ministry is a vital component of FBC Cole. Vibrant worship and bible studies, camps, outings and much more combine to challenge students to live lives that will impact their world for Christ.
Women's Ministry
The Women's Ministry Team strives to serve the needs of the community throughout the year while also ministering to the women of the church at the same time. From Bible studies to the Ladies Falls Creek Retreat and the Rose Day Rally at the state capital; Our Women's Ministry program is always doing something.
Kid's Ministry
Children are blessed with an energetic love from the family at Cole. From Vacation Bible School to Children's Camp; there is always something for kids.
Men's Ministry
Monthly prayer breakfasts, Falls Creek Retreats, golf, fishing and hunting outings all combine to challenge men to step up in their roles both in family and the Church while at the same time seeking to minister to any needs that they may have.